5 Ways To Outperform Your Competitors On Amazon 

So, you launched your product and published it on Amazon, and you are worried about how to gain visibility, make sales, and grow. Worry not. There are numerous sellers on Amazon, and many of them are looking to undercut you on price. But that should not bother you. 

Understanding how Amazon works will help you reach more customers and close sales. Steady growth will help you beat your competitors in ranking, conversions, and income.

This post will help you to beat your competition in various aspects. You will master ranking skills, customer satisfaction, and other factors that will help you gain traction and expand your business.

Here are some ways you can outperform your competitors on Amazon.

1. Create a Unique Product 

One way to set yourself apart from the competition is to create a unique product on Amazon. Finding a niche market or designing a new and innovative product can help you capture a wider market share and increase sales. When Amazon customers need a specific product, they will type the keyword into the Amazon search bar. If your product is not on the first few pages, you may lose sales. 

You can find a unique product by looking at the best-selling items on Amazon or conducting competitor research to see what products are doing well on Amazon SEO. Provide a solution to customers instead of another generic product.

2. Keyword Research

When a buyer lands on Amazon, he will use keywords to find the products they need. They may use two or three-word phrases or sentences to define their search. Your goal is to understand the search intent to optimize your product accordingly. 

Ensure you use the keywords for your product description to match the search intent. If you use a keyword that does not fit, your product may not appear on the top search results. 

Amazon also returns synonyms and related keywords in search results. You should avoid using typos and words unrelated to your product. These can affect the relevancy of your product on Amazon, and you may lose out on sales. 

Understand that keyword use is an SEO effort. Avoid keyword stuffing. Instead, insert them contextually while providing relevant information on your product. 

You can use Google Keyword Planner and Uber to suggest finding keywords for your products. These two tools will help you understand what buyers are searching for on Amazon, helping you improve the quality of traffic that lands on your listing page. 

3. Create a Video

Video content is becoming more relevant in eCommerce. You can use video content to create an unboxing experience for your customers by showing how the product works. Video content also helps increase conversion rates and reduce return rates, which will help you generate more sales on Amazon. 

Uploading videos on amazon product pages will improve engagement on the product, reducing bounce rate. Such customer behavior is vital to rank your product because bounce rate means your listing is irrelevant or unappealing. 

You can also host your product videos on YouTube and link them to Amazon. It will help you create a brand presence on YouTube and reach your customers wherever they search for your products. YouTube videos can improve your visibility on SERPs as Google gives relevant videos priority on the results. 

Remember, when creating video content for Amazon, keep them short. That way, they will rank high for voice search results. Also, include the product features and how they can benefit the customer. 

Besides video SEO, promote your product on social media pages and ads. Customers who see how you operate your product on video-sharing sites and social media will be more confident buying from you.

4. Get Positive Reviews

It is not hard receiving reviews when you start making sales on Amazon. The problem is when your product does not match customer expectations, and you get negative feedback. Strive to get positive responses from customers by ensuring you meet or exceed their expectations. 

When you get your first reviews, it will be easier to get more in the future. Amazon customers are likely to trust a product with more feedback and rating. A study shows that 68% of customers rely on reviews to make buying decisions. Also, products with at least 50 reviews rank higher on Amazon SERPs than those without any. 

Apart from reviews, answers to customer questions on your product can impact ranking. You need to help them by answering the questions they have. The information you get from customer questions can also help you enhance your product description and user guide, making it more appealing. 

Once you have answered a question, it becomes publicly available. Your answers will help the buyers understand the product better. Therefore, your product will rank higher because of the information you provide. 

5. Adjust Your Pricing

How do you determine the best price for your Amazon product? It is not going to be helpful guessing a price tag. Use a competitive Amazon product research tool to help you determine the best pricing strategy. 

The tool you pick should give you relevant information on your competitors in the market, their stock price, shipping costs, and the rank of their products. Once you have that information, it will be easier to deduce a pricing strategy for your products. 

Create notifications for when your competitor prices change. Sometimes, people offer discounts or increase the prices depending on the season and production costs. You do not want to be left behind because you are not adjusting your prices accordingly. 

A pricing strategy that increases the price of a product in regular intervals can help increase sales and rank on Amazon. Use this information to improve your listing page and make it more visible to customers. 


Selling your products on Amazon requires skill, strategy, and determination to succeed. Once you have the information, it becomes easier to rank high on Amazon and make more sales. Your product description is of great importance if you want to beat your competition and start making money online through Amazon sales. It must be accurate, well-written, clear, and informative for better conversions. Also, use SEO tactics such as videos and social media pages to improve your visibility. 

Last but not least, price your products competitively by using the right Amazon research tools. Ensure you stay up-to-date with your competitors’ prices if you do not want to lose customers.

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