How Product Video Affect Your Amazon Ranking

Amazon is a global eCommerce platform that attracts many sellers and buyers. All sellers on Amazon have a single thing in common; to increase their sales and improve ranking.

You can achieve this by using product videos as part of your content strategy for marketing your products on Amazon. 

Product videos are significant because they help customers understand more about a specific product before making a purchase decision. For instance, if a buyer is looking for a particular product such as yoga pants, they will search the keyword phrase “yoga pants.” In this case, your video should target that specific keyword phrase and rank high on Amazon. 

Amazon ranks videos based on many factors, like keywords in the headline title of your video. But how do the videos help you rank higher and beat your competitors? Read on to find answers to this question and improve your product ranking and performance on Amazon.

How Product Video Affect Your Amazon Ranking

1. Videos Engage Customers

When a customer spends time watching a video on your product listing page, Amazon takes it as a sign of engagement and believes that the buyer is interested in what you are selling. It increases the chances of Amazon featuring your product on its homepage, leading to increased sales. 

Amazon includes a thumbnail image and some text about the product on their featured or sponsored listings. The thumbnail image is clickable, so buyers can quickly learn more about your product and make a purchase decision. 

Products with higher engagement also appear higher on the search result pages. Amazon’s algorithms are getting better every day at identifying what products to show and in which order to display them.

2. Videos Improve Sales

When your customers watch videos about your products, they will better understand your product usability, features, and benefits. That greatly influences the customer to buy from you and not your competitors. 

In this case, videos provide a better experience for customers than texts alone. Videos also help you differentiate yourself from other competitors on Amazon by showing your products in action. 

Customers can buy more from you when they understand the product. Amazon uses the buying behavior of customers to feature products on the homepage. 

You get a better ranking when you make more sales. Therefore, ensure your videos are accurate and vivid for a high conversion rate

79% of customers prefer watching video content to reading text. Also, 96% use video as a base for their purchase decisions. Without a video on your product, your sales may not grow, the same as ranking. 

3. They Improve Your Product Reviews

When someone buys a product on Amazon, they can review it. You need to ensure you get as many positive reviews as possible because they will improve your Amazon ranking and help you sell more products. 

Positive reviews also increase your conversion rate, which means more sales for your business. One way of getting positive feedback from customers is by using videos to highlight every feature and benefit of your product. 

When customers watch videos about your products, they are likely to leave a positive review because they were satisfied with the purchase. Videos help you connect better with customers and encourage them to buy from you. 

You can also use videos to describe aspects or answer questions that you cannot answer using texts. Videos also help you explain technical details, which can help you get more positive reviews and improve your ranking on Amazon.

4. Lower Your Advertising Costs

Another benefit of publishing product videos is to run them on your adverts on Amazon. By creating ad campaigns on the platform, you can direct traffic from Amazon to your product listing pages. 

This way, you can save on advertising because people are already interested in the product you are selling. You only need to convince them to buy from you through videos that explain why they should purchase from your store. 

When publishing videos about your products, ensure you use a high-quality camera. It gives you better production values and makes your advert more appealing to buyers. 

With high-quality and engaging videos that answer customer questions, you will likely close more sales from your marketing campaigns. As a result, your advertising credits will bring more revenue and lower your advertising costs. 

You can define the keywords you want to advertise for your video ads. Amazon will then show your video ad to people who have previously searched for those keywords on the site. That improves the relevance and the results you get from your advertising campaigns. 

5. Videos Grow Branding

Most customers want to connect with brands they can recognize. They feel more comfortable buying products they know and trust. Building trust on the eCommerce web is fundamental for your business’ success. 

You can use videos to connect with your customers by showing them your brand, highlighting your products, and telling your story. When people watch your videos, they feel like they know you, and it will encourage them to buy from you in the future. 

However, for product videos, be precise to avoid overwhelming the customers. Remember that people watch videos for entertainment or educational purposes. Do not try to push the products too hard on your customers. 

Showing your trademarked brand logo, sound, or voice in the videos will help your customers recognize you. Go ahead and talk about the product naturally. People will be sure they are viewing an item they can trust. Their engagement in the video, conversion, and recommendations will boost your ranking and SEO results.


Video is one of the best means of marketing your products on Amazon because it engages customers, improves sales, and generates positive reviews. You should use videos to explain how your product works, answer customer questions about the product, and show the benefits of using your product. 

You can also use videos to grow your brand and connect with customers. When you publish your product video, make it count to what customers need. By doing this, you will see an improvement in your Amazon ranking and sales.