5 Reasons to Add Video on Your Product Listing

Video is one of the most underrated selling tools, with numerous benefits for brands to showcase their products to potential consumers.

A video is a go-to informational tool for many brands if there is hesitation in purchasing due to a lack of understanding by consumers. Besides, videos also act as in-store salespersons and help customers purchase. 

As brands continue to recognize the potential video has in marketing, it’s quickly becoming the preferred tool for most marketers to find and connect with new audiences. It’s an undeniably effective tool— so much so that a video on a landing page may boost your conversion rates by as high as 80%. 

You may know the importance of video marketing, but do you know why you should add it to your product listings too? Brands use videos for various goals—such as increasing SEO or boosting brand awareness. 

And you shouldn’t be left behind too. Below we’ll take an in-depth look at the top reasons you should get behind a camera lens and make one for your product listing. You never know; a video may be the answer you’ve been looking for to sell more. Let’s get into it. 

Reasons to Add Video on Your Product Listing

1. Helps you Establish Brand Authority

From a consumer perspective and to other brands in the marketproduct videos help showcase some level of assumption. Any product listing with a video on Amazon is seen as a more established brand—and rightly so.  

As a brand, you need a special status to unlock this feature, and if you’re a customer, you’ll struggle to find several examples of it. Having it often means that you’re among the top sellers. 

Another way videos portray you as an established brand is because videos are seen as a luxury production and cost more than other traditional forms of marketing. Many factors make the perfect brand video, from models/actors, lighting, licenses, to editing. A lot of work goes into the process of creating a video. 

Using video to present your products to customers is a great way to establish your authority and stand out from your competition. Your customers will feel purchasing from an established brand that offers assurance in product quality.

2. Videos Help You Stand Out

Using impactful business videos is one of the best ways to stand out from your competitors. Videos are an essential factor in content marketing, and it’s becoming a lot more critical to use them. Don’t believe me?  

According to a report, 90% of consumers say that a product video helps them make the purchase decision. Another 65% of executives who watch work-related videos visit the business site afterward. Real estate listings with video get 403% more inquiries than those without. Do you see the trend? 

Videos will allow your product to stand out more than others. A video is a perfect way to introduce newcomers to your brand, answer any queries from potential buyers, or make them laugh a little because no one loves a stick in the mud. Not to mention, it will help create a lasting and favorable impression on all your viewers.

3. Videos Will Influence Purchasing Behavior

Seeing is believing. It’s a simple concept. Thus, videos are the best way to convince your customers about your services or products and how they can help them. The right type of video will strongly impact how your customers perceive your business and deliver a high conversion rate.  

If you create an impressive video that will appealingly highlight your services or products, you can also convince “on-the-fence” customers to purchase from you. 

According to studies, around 64% of customers purchase after watching a brand video related to the product. In a study done by Adobe, researchers found that online consumers who saw video demonstrations were 1.81 times more likely to purchase the product than non-viewers.   

Videos also have the power to help you get better responses from your emails. According to Syndacast, emails with the word “video” in the subject line had better open rates of up to 19%  than those that didn’t. 

Apart from your products, even your landing pages and website can perform better and drive up your sales if you include a business video there. 

4. Videos Showcase Your Products Quickly

This is arguably the most apparent benefit of the product video. It will help reveal how the whole product functions—and in less than a minute too! A video is an excellent way to teach consumers—existing, new, and potential, how to use your product, all the unique features and extras your product can do, or explain to them its primary functions. 

Apart from this descriptive part, you can also engage with your viewers to create a desire for your products. You can do this by making a correlation between your product and your audience or simply establishing your brand’s values. 

You should try to trend across all your product promotional videos consistently. That way, you can speak to your audience from various backgrounds with the same values and establish a robust and long-lasting connection. You should have a clear picture of your brand and its values that way. You can convey this message more efficiently and much faster through video. 

5. Through Video Testimonials, You Create a Credible Reputation

If one of your goals is establishing a good online reputation for your brand, you need your customers to trust you. Videos can help create the trust you need for your business. They’ll help you convey your brand’s vision and sentiment and help create a trusting relationship with your clients. A report from ThinkWithGoogle states that almost 50% of internet users look for videos about the product or service they intend to purchase before visiting the store. 

If your prospective clients watch a testimonial video of your business, you’ll be in their good graces, and it may also lead to more sales and leads for your brands. After all, videos will leave a lasting impression on your customers.


Hopefully, this bit of information has taught your brand the importance of conversion through videos. A product listing video can help you achieve tremendous levels of success with almost minimal effort. Don’t fret if you’re not sure how to create a brand video for your products, don’t fret. Simply look for a reliable videographer who will be able to create content that will engage with your audience in a new, fun, and exciting way that not only improves their information but does it uniquely. 

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